Brass Bands

Brass Bands have been used in The Salvation Army since its earliest days in London, England. They have become a uniquely Salvationist institution in many ways since then. Salvation Army Bands are still based on the British Brass Band format. Bands range in size from small ensembles of 4-5 people—to full-sized groups of thirty or more. In the Southern Territory, many local corps (churches) have small to medium sized groups. They often join in regional or divisional groups to perform the large ensemble literature and share in music ministry together.

Southern Staff Band

The USA Southern Territorial Staff Band (SSB) has been a ministry of the Southern Territory for many years. The band participates in the annual Commissioning and Ordination services of the Evangeline Booth College as well as other special events and concerts around the territory and beyond.

Mighty Fortress!
The Southern Territorial Band Of The Salvation Army

Band Publications

The Southern Territory began publishing music regularly in 1987 under the leadership of Dr. Richard Holz, Territorial Music Secretary. There were a few one-time publications before this, but in 1987 the American Brass Ensemble Series (later the American Instrumental Ensemble Series) was started. James Curnow was the Editor for this series until Stephen Bulla took on the role in 2018. This series catered to the bands of the Southern Territory that were too small to play music from other Salvation Army series. AIES (American Instrumental Ensemble Series) is organized into four grade levels and is scored for four parts (with an optional fifth part) with two optional percussion parts. AIES fills an important need for repertoire in the Southern Territory, but it is also accessible and flexible enough to be used by many church and school ensembles around the country and world.

In 2019, another Band Publication was added to the Southern Territory: Southern Brass Series. The Southern Brass Series features Salvation Army composers from across the Southern Territory. This publication is designed to be used by more advanced groups and utilizes the full scoring of a brass band. There are currently 8 pieces available for purchase with plans to add more soon. This series is available for purchase at USS Trade South in ePrint and Print-On-Demand options.


Our Territorial Music Institute (TMI) has been an important way that we teach music and arts to our young people. The program has grown extensively over the last decade to incorporate several excellent leadership programs. A program that began with Brass Bands and Choirs has expanded to other areas including Worship Team, Acting, Dance, and, most recently, Visual Arts and Theater Production.

Another unique educational program of the Southern Territory has been our Divisional Music and Arts Conservatories. While Music Camps have been used for many years in the Salvation Army, the Southern Territory has expanded this program from a week long camp to a 3-6 week opportunity for Salvation Army young people to develop their God-given talents at a summer camp.