TMI 2024

July 24-August 1

Asbury University

The Southern Territory’s Territorial Music Institute, otherwise known as TMI, is typically an 8-day intensive music & creative arts camp held annually at the end of each summer. With a lengthy history, TMI has helped to produce quality music and creative arts leaders across the Southern Territory and around the world. With a wide range of instrumental, vocal, and creative arts instruction, and a variety of music and arts leadership seminars, TMI has been blazing the trail for Salvation Army music and creative arts leadership and instruction globally.

Each year a variety of majors spanning the arts are offered. This year, a new major to TMI is being introduced: Worship Arts Skills. The Worship Arts Skills Major will spend time in hands-on training on various worship arts skills (e.g. sound and media training, worship leadership, worship team instrument skills, worship planning, etc). The Worship Arts Skills Major is a non-performing class.

  • Brass Band (brass/percussion)

  • Dance

  • Piano

  • Theater

  • Theater Tech

  • Visual Arts

  • Worship Arts Skills (new)

  • Worship Team

In addition to participating in one of the above majors, delegates also participate in one of the four choirs or a leadership class. They are also able to participate in the elective of their choice. With nearly twenty electives to choose from, each delegate is sure to have a great time.